Enjoying healthy cold season with Ayurveda

Exposure to cold air, water, and cold wind in winters make you sick very easily. This season can cause cold stress and affect our health in many different ways. Depending upon the climatic conditions around you face multiple health problems. Common cold and flu seem to be very common in winter seasons and nothing is…

Polycystic ovarian syndrome- root level management through Ayurveda

Have you ever heard about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)? Yes, you are right about females it is the one major reason for infertility. Throughout the world, 6-12% of females are affected by this serious trouble associated with ovaries. PCOS is a lifelong threatening health issue during childbearing age in females. So it is very necessary…

Side effect free ayurvedic ways to manage migraine-

Migraine pain- Migraine is basically a neurological condition that is characterized by multiple symptoms and start on one side of the head. Major features of this problem is headache and severity of headache varying from mild to severe. Other associate symptoms of migraine are nausea, vomiting, numbness, tingling sensation, difficulty in speaking and sensitivity to…

Sports Injury Management through Ayurveda

Sports injuries may be defined as the injuries that can occur in body during sports,games,athletic activities and exercise. These injuries are associated with musculo-skeletal system that includes muscles, bones, joints, tendons, cartilages and ligaments. Traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries are also considered as sports injuries in some cases. Ankle pull, muscle pull, excessive bone…

Preventing asthma through Ayurveda

What is asthma? Asthma is the condition of swelling and narrowing of airways due to production of excessive mucus by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Due to this chronic inflammation of lungs difficulty in breathing, coughing and shortness of breath are the major symptoms seen in sufferers of asthma. It may be minor disease that…

Allaying Hypothyroidism through Ayurveda

Hypothyroidism is the term referred to inactivity or deficiency of thyroid hormone due to various reasons. This disease is increasing very rapidly as lifestyle of modern generation is exposed to more stress, strain and anxiety. Proper synthesis of thyroid hormone is very essential for normal function of thyroid gland. Imbalance of TSH is first and…

Chronic kidney disease

About 30-40% people throughout the world are suffering with chronic kidney disease. It is defined as condition of slow and progressive damage of kidney that gets worsened with time. If this condition is not treated on time it leads to total renal failure. Hypertension, diabetes, family history of renal problems, inflammation of kidneys, kidney infections…

Ayurvedic management of kidney failure

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive loss in renal function over a period of months or years.It encompasses all degrees of decreased renal functions that gradually lead to permanent kidney failure. Apparently, chronic kidney disease often goes unattended until it enters a well-advanced stage (80% loss of kidney function). Anyone can develop kidney failure…


Schizophrenia literally meaning “split mind” is a psychiatric disorder which hampers a person’s ability to think, feel and behave clearly. Patient is almost detached from real world and lives in his/her own imaginary world and fails to distinguish between real and virtual Causes Usually compared with “Attatwabhinivesh” in classical ayurveda texts, schizophrenia has no specific…

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