Chronic kidney disease

About 30-40% people throughout the world are suffering with chronic kidney disease. It is defined as condition of slow and progressive damage of kidney that gets worsened with time. If this condition is not treated on time it leads to total renal failure. Hypertension, diabetes, family history of renal problems, inflammation of kidneys, kidney infections and heart problems are the major causes for the onset of this chronic kidney disease. The major symptoms that sufferers of chronic kidney disease experience include

People that are suffering with diabetes, hypertension, and heart troubles and have regular habit of alcohol drinking and smoking are at the great risk of chronic kidney disease.

Herbal remedies for chronic kidney disease-

Zapp syrup and Zapp tablets of Yamuna pharmacy are the best herbal remedies to cope with this serious kidney related problem. Both the herbal remedies are prepared by using pure extracts obtained from natural herbs of Ayurveda. Regular use of these remedies helps to fight against various chronic disorders and infections of renal system. Herbs used in these remedies help to prevent the accumulation of salts in kidneys and also cope with various problems of bladder and kidney due to presence of stones. These remedies are beneficial for urinary tract infections. Regular intake helps to fight against abnormal urine pH and burning micturition. Herbs present in these remedies help to improve the flow and quantity of urine and improve the functioning of kidneys. These are very effective remedies for difficult micturition and irritation of urinary bladder. All the herbs used in these herbal remedies are diuretic in nature beneficial for functioning and good health of nephrons (unit cells of kidney). Regular intake of both the remedies helps to promote the overall health and functioning of renal system.

All the ayurvedic products of Yamuna pharmacy are safe for every age group and use of products does not harm the molecular level of body cells, tissues and organs. All the products are formulated under the strict supervision of expert Ayurveda doctors and by following Ayurveda principles. Natural herbs and their pure extracts are used in the formulation of all the herbal remedies of Yamuna pharmacy

Herbal remedies and ingredient detail of Zapp syrup and Zapp tablets for chronic kidney disease-

Zapp tabletpashanbhed ghan, punarnava ghan, palashpushp ghan, hazrool yahood bhasma, shevt parpati, apamarg ghan, gokhru ghan, varun ghan, makoya ghan, yav kshar and shilajeet are the various Ayurveda ingredients used to prepare this effective remedy for chronic kidney disease …CKD.


1-2 tablets twice or thrice a day with lukewarm water for 50-90 days for better results.

Zapp syruppashanbhed, punarnava, mustak, kulattha, ushir, apamarg, gokhru, varun, makoya, kachoor, yavkshar, shvet parpati, suverchala and saindhav are the various Ayurveda ingredients used to prepare this herbal remedy for chronic kidney disease….CKD


10-15ml twice daily for adults and 5-10ml daily twice or thrice a day for children for 50-90 days for better results.

Uses of herbs used in these herbal remedies-

Pashanbhed- pashanbhed used in this herbal remedy is very effective herb to cope with chronic kidney disease, renal calculi, urine retention and internal wounds of renal system. Regular use of this herb helps to break the kidney stones and also fight against other symptoms of kidney stones.Pashanbhed used in this herbal syrup helps to cope with renal calculi, retention of urine in bladder and painful and burning micturition. According to Ayurveda pashanbhed is very best herb for urinary system.

Punarnava-  is herb of Ayurveda that has tendency to rejuvenate. This herb is powerhouse of potassium and due to presence of large quantity of these potassium salts this herb possesses diuretic properties. Punarnva is coolant, diuretic, astringent, anti-pyretic, laxative, expectorant and anti-inflammatory herb of Ayurveda. In sufferers of chronic kidney disease this herb helps to reduce excessive inflammation and oedema of body. It helps to treat chronic constipation and painful micturition. Regular use of this herb helps to remove congestion and phlegm and it is very beneficial herb for asthmatic patients.

Palash- palashpushp used in this herbal remedy is very effective herb for both internal and external aliments. Anti-oxidant properties of flowers help to fight against free radicals and toxins that cause serious and chronic infections of kidneys. Regular use of this herb helps to fight against urine retention and various other disorders of renal system.

Varuna – anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-oxidant, laxative and stomachic are the various properties of herb varuna used in these herbal remedies. Regular use of this herb is capable to break the kidney stones. This herb helps to promote the overall health of urinary and renal system. It is natural diuretic herb that helps to improve the flow and volume of urine and also cope with painful micturition in kidney stone patients.

Gokhru – gokhru in ayurveda is used to treat kidney problems, cough, asthma and oedema. It is anti-microbial, anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-cancer and diuretic herb of Ayurveda. Regular use of this herb helps to protect our kidneys from free radicals, toxins, harmful wastes and serious effects of other disorders. This herb helps to improve functions of kidneys and protect them from the slow and progressive damage.

Makoya – makoya used in both the herbal remedies for chronic kidney disease helps to fight against chronic urinary tract infections and to improve the functioning of renal system. It is also helpful to improve digestion and to fight against various problems of digestive system.

Karchoor – in Ayurveda herb karchoora is used in the treatment of urine retention, kidney troubles and gonorrhoea. It also helps to fight against heart troubles, asthma, bronchitis and diabetes. It is also used to cure high grade fevers and also good to treat rheumatism and various troubles of digestive system like nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and constipation in sufferers of chronic kidney disease.

Apamarg – apamarg used in this herbal remedy helps to reduce excessive inflammation and oedema in sufferers of chronic kidney disease. Beside this herb apamarg is very essential herb of Ayurveda that helps to fight against cough, asthma, bronchitis and haemorrhoids. It is also used to treat eczema and various skin related troubles.

Ushir – coolant properties of ushir used in these herbal remedies for chronic kidney disease help to fight against painful and burning micturition, dysuria, fever, fatigue, tiredness and various skin related troubles. Due to its coolant properties this herb is good to treat high grade fevers. It is also good for treating various infections of urinary tract.

Kulattha – kulatha used in these ayurvedic remedies for chronic kidney disease is very beneficial remedy to fight against kidney stones, cough and asthma. Piercing properties of this herb help to break the kidney stones and also fight against infections of urinary tract. It is also a help to reduce excessive inflammation of body in chronic kidney disease sufferers.

Hazrool yahood bhasma – internally this bhasma used in Zapp tablet and Zapp syrup the ayurvedic remedies help to fight against kidney stones, dysuria, renal colic and urine retention and externally this herb is used to treat eczema, itching and various skin infections.

All the herbs and bhasmas used in Zapp tablet and Zapp syrup….the herbal remedies are used to promote overall functioning and health of kidneys and regular use of both these remedies help to protect our kidneys from slow and progressive damage and minimise frequent need of time to time dialysis. Both the remedies are safe for our renal system and do not cause any harmful side effects.

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