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Tourette’s syndrome is a complex neurological disorder that causes affected person to make sudden repetitive movements or undesirable sounds, called tics that can’t be controlled. Begins between the ages of 2 and 21, and lasts throughout life. It has also been found that Tourette’s syndrome is more common in boys than in girls by a ratio of five to one.
It is not degenerative and people with TS can expect to live a normal life span.Persons with Tourette syndrome do not have much control over the unusual movements or sounds (‘tics’) that they make. They consist of abrupt recurrent twitches of a group of muscles characterized by blinking, sniffing, grimacing, shoulder movements and head movements.
as a result of a change in neurological structure or function due to irritation or damage to the nerves without stimulating pain receptor cells which affects the cranial nerves.
The severe pain or mild burning sensation may occur on the face and inside the mouth.
1. Tourette has been linked to an abnormality that may exist in the basal ganglia, the part of the brain that helps to control motor movements. Chemicals in the brain, dopamine and serotonin and norepinephrine that transmit nerve impulses (neurotransmitters) could also be responsible.
2. Genetics seem likely to play a part in some cases of Tourette’s syndrome, appearing to run in families. People belonging to family members with Tourette’s are more prone to get it themselves. But people in the same family may have different symptoms.
3. Environmental factors possibly play a role in the development of TS (for example, stress or infection), but these causes are not well defined.
4. Emotional and mental stress and distress may also worsen the tics
1 capsule 3 to 4 times a day with milk or water for 30 to 40 days or till the symptoms are under good control.
Symptoms of TS may vary from one individual to another. The hallmark symptom of TS is tics. For tics to be defined as Tourette’s syndrome, these must be present for at least a year and comprise at least one vocal tic.
Tics are involuntary and usually sudden, rapid and repetitive in muscle movements and vocal sounds that some people make, without being aware of it. People with Tourette’s syndrome (TS) do not characterize same symptoms.
Tics worsen with stress, anxiety, excitement, anger or fatigue and can get better during absorbing activities or sleep. The more severe ones can be embarrassing and can affect the social life or work.
types of Tics in TOURETTE’S SYNDROME
Tics are classified as under
Vocal (Sounds)-Like grunting, coughing or shouting out words.
Physical (Movements)-Like grunting, coughing or shouting out words.
Simple-These Tics are sudden, brief and repetitive and include a limited number of muscle groups.
Complex-These depict distinct, coordinated patterns of movements involving several muscle groups.
Simple motor tics include
1. Blinking of eyes
2. Shoulder rotation or elevation
3. Head and arm jerking,
4. Lip contractions
5. Closing of the eyes
6. Eyes rolling in the orbits.
7. Turning the neck to one side (torticollis)
8. Opening and closing of the mouth
9. Contractions of abdomen
10.Stretching of arms and legs.
Complex motor tics include
1. Jumping
2. Kicking
3. Touching objects
4. Retching
5. Bending or rotation of trunk
6. Burping
7. Socially inappropriate movements
8. Obscene gestures
Simple phonic tics include
1. Grunting,
2. Clearing throat,
3. Coughing
4. Meaningless sounds or utterances
Complex phonic tics include
1. Complex and loud sounds,
2. Phrases out of context,
3. Phrases with obscenities,
4. Cursing,
5. Repetition of other person’s phrases.
Associated conditions have been reported in half of the children with Tourette’s syndrome. The most common are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
There are quite effective herbal remedies for Tourette’s syndrome from Yamuna Pharmacy which can be taken for few months to have better results. These are pure herbal and are free from any kind of side effect.
AZARAQI Capsule: 1 capsule 3 to 4 times a day with milk or water for 30 to 40 days or till the symptoms are under good control.
SERY Capsule: 1 capsule 3 to 4 times a day with milk or water for 30 to 40 days or till the symptoms are under good control .
AATMAGUPTA choorna: 1 teaspoonful 3 to 4 times a day with milk or water for 30 to 40 days or till the symptoms are under good control.