
What are the Swollen Lymph Nodes?

Lymph nodesare also recognised as lymph glands and the integral part of immune system. They are present all over the body but more prominent in neck regions, groin, chin, behind ears and armpits. Lymph nodes are visible when they are enlarged or swollen. Major causes of swollen lymph nodes problems are due to infections like bacteria, viruses and parasites. There are varieties of infections, injury or tumor which are responsible for swollen lymph nodes.

What are thecauses of swollen Lymph Nodes?

1.Streptococcus (Bacteria) infections in throat
2.Infections in ear
3.Tooth infections
4.Suppressed immune system due to HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) which results in AIDS
5.Viral infections by paramyxovirus that cause measles.
7.Skin infections (Cellulitis).
8.Syphilis which is a sexually transmitted disease.
9.Lupus it is the condition when body’s immune system start attacking body’s joints and blood cells.
10.Parasitic infections (Toxoplasmosis) can also be the cause of swollen lymph nodes.
11.Cancer of immune cells.
12.Cancer of lymphatic system (Leukemia).
13.Some medications.

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Acidocid tablet functionally are prone to boost the structural and physiological health of food pipe (esophagus) stomach and duodenum which in sequence receive the eaten foods from mouth.

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Acidocid syrup functionally are prone to boost the structural and physiological health of food pipe (esophagus) stomach and duodenum which in sequence receive the eaten foods from mouth.

What are the symptoms associated with swollen LYMPH NODES?

1.Pain in lymph nodes.
2.Enlargement of lymph nodes.
3.Fever, runny nose, fever and infections of upper respiratory tracts.
4.Immune system complications like mononulceosis, HIV and rheumatoid arthritis.
5.Hard lymph nodes indicates tumor.

What are the diagnostic measures for swollen LYMPH NODES?

Medical history
Doctor studies the patient’s medical history. Doctor tries to know that when the swollen lymph nodes developed and symptoms associated with them.

Physical examination
Doctor observes the lymph nodes on the surface of skin which helps to diagnose the underneath causes of problem

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