Dyspepsia Treatment

Dyspepsia treatment
Dyspepsia treatment


Dyspepsia is also called as indigestion or stomach upset. Dyspepsia describes the pain and discomfort in upper abdomen which results in the nausea, bloating and burping. Dyspepsia occurs when stomach acids come in contact with lining of digestive system and break down the mucosa which results in inflammation and trigger the symptoms of indigestions.
“Good digestion is happiness and bad digestion is the root of all diseases”. When food is not digested properly it becomes poison in the body and results in digestion health issues. If you have a stomach upset you cannot enjoy your meal. There are various factors which are responsible for this problem like overeating, eating rapidly, eating unhealthy junk foods, bad combination of foods, the improper eating timing of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Signs and symptoms of DYSPEPSIA

1. Loss of appetite
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Diarrhea
5. Sweating and burning sensation in chest
6. Burping
7. Bloating
8. Black stools
9. Lethargy
“There is no need to worry about the indigestion. But one must visit one’s doctor if symptoms last for more than two weeks. In very few cases, indigestion may transit to acidity and further become stomach cancer”

Dyspepsia treatment

Complications associated with Dyspepsia or Indigestion

1. Gallstone
2. Due to the over acid production, stomach ulcers can form.
3. Stomach juices cause the destruction to the lining of digestive system that may lead to gastritis.
4. Excessive acid production causes the Zollinger Ellison disease which results in the tumors in upper pancreas and upper part of your small intestine (duodenum).
5. Esophageal and duodenal ulcers can form.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Indigestion or Dyspepsia

Acidocid tablet

is crushed in mouth and dissolved as 1 to 2 tablets three to four times a day

acidocid syrup
Acidocid syrup

Acidocid syrup is taken in the dose of 1 to 2 teaspoonful three times a day with potable water.Simultaneous use of Acidocid tablet is most advantageous in optimum recommended doses.

Lifestyle dos and donts for Dyspepsia or Indigestion patients

A healthy balanced diet can keep you away from the stomach complications

1. Avoid spicy foods.
2. Avoid white flour and white sugar.
3. Avoid non vegetarian diet.
4. Avoid alcohol.
5. Avoid smoking.
6. Don’t consume chocolates, pastries and puddings.
7. Avoid high fat foods.

measures beneficial for Dyspepsia or Indigestion patients

1. Always good combination of food should be accepted.
2. Eating speed should be steady and not fast
3. Freshly prepared food should be consumed.
4. Drinking 2 or 3 glasses of water in morning is also beneficial for good digestion.
5. Proper rest and sound sleep should be adopted.
6. Food should be chewed properly.

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