Complications due to ACIDITY Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers Due to over secretion of gastric juices, there is disruption in the lining of the lower end of stomach and upper part of small intestine. In some cases ulcers can be the cause of cancer. Reflux regurgitation, Acid dyspepsia and Heartburn
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Dyspepsia is the narrowing of esophagus which creates the sensation of food being stuck in throat. The food may regurgitate and uptrude into nasal passage from inside or enter the larynx causing disruption of sleep and respiration. It occurs after taking meals and is brought by excess abdominal pressure. It usually occurs at night when individual lies down immediately after dinner without taking evening walk. There is burning felt in the chest known as heartburn. Yamuna Pharmacy is manufacturer of herbal medicines (since 1944). Products for end user are manufactured under GMP license as issued by statuary state authorities. TREATMENT PROVIDED BY Yamuna Pharmacy for ACIDITY Acidocid tablet and Acidocid syrup both : 1. Are helpful in prevention of acidic peptic disorders (APD), gastric and duodenal ulcers, hyperacidity, heartburn and gastritis and flatulence or gaseous distension of abdomen. 2. provide short-lived symptomatic to long time relief in conditions of acidity, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers and flatulence . 3. are boon for alcoholics tobacco and paan masaalaa chewers, smokers, indisciplined food eaters and dieters in situations of burning sensation in the upper digestive system 4. provide soothing feeling during digestion of foods 5. are best adjuvant to be used simultaneously with pain killer (analgesic) drugs to reduce and minimize their gastric side effects. What is the composition of Acidocid tablet? Acidocid tablet comprises natural herbs and concentrated botanical extracts and minerals like Yashtimadhu ghan, Muktashukti bhasma ,Kanakpatra,Kapoorkacharighan,Aamakeeghan and Khatika etc. What is the dose of Acidocid tablet? Acidocid tablet is crushed in mouth and dissolved as 1 to 2 tablets three to four times a day simultaneously with Acidocid syrup or water for preventive as well as curative treatment till satisfactory feel good experience. What is the composition of Acidocid syrup? Acidocid syrup comprises natural herbs like Patol patra, Parpat, Giloya, Haritki, Vibhitak, Vasa, Mulethi, Bhangra, Chirayta, Jatamansi, Brahmi and Nimba chhal etc. What is the dose of Acidocid syrup? Acidocid syrup is taken in the dose of 1 to 2 teaspoonful three times a day with potable water.Simultaneous use of Acidocid tablet is most advantageous in optimum recommended doses. What is the recommended dose for children? Acidocid tablet is given to the children 1 tablet twice or thrice a day. Dose of Acidocid syrup for the children is 1 teaspoonful three times a day with potable water. Who is behind concept of formulation of Acidocid tablet and Acidocid syrup? Dietary recommendations One should have pineapple and papaya in their diet because these fruits contain proteases which are digestive enzymes. 1. Spicy food should be avoided because spices cause ulcers and heart burns. 2. Foods which have high content of fat must be avoided. 3. Consumption of alcohol and smoking should be avoided. 4. Hot drinks also increase the acidity of stomach so such drinks should be avoided. Acidocid tablet and Acidocid syrup are conceived and formulated by expert team of GAMS,B.Pharm (Ay)and MSc (Med.Botany) and BAMS personnels