Chemotherapy Side Effects
As we all know that cancer cells are most fast growing cells of body and chemotherapy is one simple way to kill these fast growing cells. The oral and intravenous chemo drugs travel throughout our body cells. Chemo drugs not only help to kill cancerous cells but it also affect our other healthy cells and body tissues. Mainly blood cells of bone marrow, + follicles, mouth, skin, throat, digestive and respiratory tract are damaged by the harmful effects of chemotherapy.

Regular use of these chemo drugs also leads to major damage of vital systems of human body like liver, kidney, cardiac and nervous system.
What are the major side effects of Chemotherapy ?
Here are the list of common side effects of chemotherapy-
- Nausea and vomiting
- Excessive fatigue
- Panting and breathing problems
- Quick bruising and bleeding
- Anaemia
- Infections
- Loss of appetite
- Mouth and throat sores
- Difficulty in swallowing and other problems of mouth and throat
- Problems with muscles and nerves like tingling and numbness
- Discolouration of skin and nails
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Sexual problems
All sufferers of cancer do not experience every side effect of chemotherapy and severity of side effects depends upon the immunity of cancer patient. A variety of allopathic medications are available in the market to overcome the side effects of chemotherapy drugs but long term and safe solution for this life threatening disease is only herbal treatment. Natural herbs are used to prepare herbal treatment to minimise the side effects of chemotherapy. These herbs do not harm our natural cells and help to reduce side effects of chemotherapy.
Herbal treatment to reduce side effects of Chemotherapy –
Gulvalex capsule, Mefcop syrup, Zapp tablet, Zapp syrup, Vigoprot powder and Amla powder are the herbal treatments to reduce side effects of chemotherapy available at Yamuna Pharmacy. Regular use of all these products help to stimulate immune system of chemo patients and also help to fight against various serious side effects of chemo drugs. Natural extracts of pure herbs of Ayurveda are used to prepare these herbal products. Regular use of these herbal products help to promote health of vital organs of our body and protect them from harmful infections. Herbs used in these products make our skin, hair, bones and nails healthier and protect them from diseases.
All these products of Yamuna Pharmacy are safe to use and free from the action of harmful chemicals and preservatives. All the products of this pharmacy are prepared under medical supervision of expert Ayurveda doctors by following Ayurveda principles.

- Gulvalex capsule –Tinospora cordifolia is the major herb used to prepare this herbal treatment to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Guduchi is the major herb of Ayurveda that is powerhouse of anti-oxidants and helps to fight against high grade fevers. Regular use of this herbal treatment helps to boost our immune system and it gives strength to body cells to fight against the major side effects of chemotherapy. Regular use of this herbal treatment also improves our liver function and it helps to stimulate the functioning of bone marrow to produce new blood cells. This herb has ability to fight against severe and chronic inflammations of body and this herb is also very beneficial for our skin cells.
Dosage – 1 capsule twice to thrice daily after meals for 50-90days.
- Mefcop syrup –Kaalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri), Parpat (Fumaria parviflora), Kaasani (Cichorium intybus) and Apaamaarg (Acarythanes aspera) are the various ingredients used to prepare this herbal treatment to reduce side effects of chemotherapy. Kalmegh is natural blood purifier and it helps to protect our skin and blood cells from harmful toxins. It stimulates our immune system and treats various throat and mouth related problems. Bhumi amla is a very effective herb that protects our liver from serious problems and promotes the overall health of this vital system of our body. Parpat is hypoglycaemic herb that helps to protect chemo patients from diabetes and this beneficial herb also helps to fight against infections of skin. Apamaarg is anti-inflammatory herb that helps to treat chronic inflammation of body tissues and organs. Regular use of this syrup gives satisfactory and better results.
- Zapp tablet –Pashanbhed ghan, Punarnava ghan, Palashpushpa ghan, Hazrool yahood bhasma, Shvet parpati, Apamarg ghan, Gokhru ghan, Varun ghan, Makoya ghan, Yavkshar and Shilajeet are various herbal ingredients used to prepare this herbal treatment to reduce side effects of chemotherapy. Regular use of Zapp tablets help to fight against disorders of kidneys and urinary tract. It helps to aid with burning sensation during micturition and haematuria in cases of chemo drugs administration.
Dosage – 2 tablets twice a day for 50-90 days.
- Zapp syrup – Pashanbhed (Saxifolia lingulata), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus), Kulattha (Dolichosbiflorus), Ushir (Vetiver zizanoides), Apamarg (Achyranthes aspera), Gokhru (Tribulus terristris), Varun (Crataeva nurvala), Makoya (Solanum nigrum), Kachoora (Curcuma zedoaria), Yavkshar, Shvet parpati, Suverchala, Saindhav along with flavoured syrup base are the various natural ingredients used to prepare this herbal treatment to reduce side effects of chemotherapy. All the herbs used in this herbal treatment protect our body cells from harmful actions of cancerous cells and regular use of this syrup helps to combat with various side effects of chemo drugs.
Dosage – 1 tablespoonful (15ml) twice daily for 50-90days.
- Sameerna syrup – Nimbuk sattva (citric acid), Gandhakamla,Arq saunf are the various herbal ingredients of this herbal treatment to reduce side effects of chemotherapy. In case of chemo sufferers this herbal treatment helps to increase appetite and also used to reduce nausea and vomiting. Nimbuk sattva helps to prevent various digestive problems, constipation, diabetes and fever. It also helps to improve health of skin, teeth, bones and hair in chemo patients. Arq saunf helps to improve our appetite and it also helps to aid with various serious problems
Dosage– 1 tablespoon (15ml) twice daily for 50-90days.
- Vigoprot powder – Ashwagandha ghan (Ext Withania somnifera), Gokhru ghan (Ext. Tribulus terristris), Shatavari ghan (Ext. Asparagus racemosus), Amalki ghan (Ext. Phyllanthus emblica), Shankh pushpi ghan (Ext.Convolvulus pluricaulis), Khatika (Calcium carbonate), Ksheer shushka (Skimmed milk), Ksheer medorahit (Whey milk) and Coco powder are the major ingredients used to prepare this herbal treatment to reduce side effects of chemotherapy. Ashwagandha used in this herbal treatment is anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory in nature. It helps to protect body cells from free radicals and infections in chemotherapy sufferers. Gokhru used in this herbal treatment to reduce side effects of chemotherapy helps to fight various problems associated with renal and urinary system. It also helps to reduce inflammation of respiratory tract and good for treating cough and asthma. Shatvari helps to boost our immune system and it is rich source of anti-oxidants. It is anti-inflammatory and diuretic in nature. Amla used in this herbal treatment is very beneficial for our skin, eyes and hair. Shankha pushpi is very effective herb that helps to fight against various problems of nervous system. Khtaika used in this herbal treatment is very effective remedy for storing bone density and also good for protecting bones and nails from infections in chemo receiving patients. Regular use of this herbal treatment helps to deal with all the side effects of chemotherapy and also helps to protect our body cells from harmful action of cancer cells.
How to make beverage of Vigoprot ?
Take a mug of 200ml of cold or lukewarm water. Add contents of Vigoprot sachet. Add sugar or honey to taste and stir it properly.
- Amla churna– Amla is the one and important herb used to prepare this herbal treatments to reduce side effects of chemotherapy. Amla is single herb of Ayurveda that has several and versatile medicinal properties. This herb is powerhouse of anti-oxidants that helps to protect sufferers of chemotherapy from harmful infections and serious inflammation of body. This herb is very beneficial for fight against various problems of respiratory system, digestive and reproductive system. Indian gooseberry / Amla is very beneficial for our hair growth. It helps to prevent our hair from damage and also stimulate the production of new hair growth in chemotherapy sufferers. Its anti-oxidant nature helps to stimulate our natural immune system. Regular use of this herbal treatment helps our body cells to fight against various free radicals and microbes that are responsible for causing serious disorders. Its regular use also helps to protect cardiac and nervous system of cancer patients.
Dosage – 1 to two teaspoon with water twice a day for 50-90days.