Signs and symptoms
Typical features of acne include seborrhoea (increased oil secretion), microcomedones, comedones, papules, pustules, nodules (large papules), and in many cases scarring. The appearance of acne varies with skin color. It may result in psychological and social problems. Yamuna Pharmacy is manufacturer of herbal medicines (since 1944). Products for end user are manufactured under GMP license as issued by statuary state authorities.
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TREATMENT PROVIDED BY Yamuna Pharmacy for : Acnes and Pimples Harmony skin application prepared by Yamuna Pharmacy is the product that gives a glow on the face and promotes healthy facial skin. What is Harmony skin application? Harmony skin application is a poly herbal powder for external use only. How does Harmony skin application give benefit? 1.Harmony skin application is skin nourisher and cooling in action. 2.Harmony skin application neutralizes oily condition of facial skin and subsides acnes, boils and pimples 3.Harmony skin application helps normalize skin pigmentation and remove blemishes. 4.Regular use of Harmony skin application cleanses and stimulates dull skin making it soft, smooth and glowing. What is the composition of Harmony skin application? Harmony skin application comprises Haridra, Daruharidra ,Kootha, Raktachandan, Lodhra, Manjishtha, Masoor daal, Chiraunji,Jaiphal and Karpoor etc. How is Harmony skin application used? Wash the face with water. Mix 1 tablespoon of Harmony skin application with rose water or clean water and apply the paste evenly on face and neck area avoiding lips and eyes. Let it dry,wash off preferably with milk and then water. For better results use 2 to 3 times a week. Who is behind the concept of formulation of Harmony skin application? Harmony skin application is conceived and formulated by expert team of of GAMS,B.Pharm (Ay)and MSc (Med.Botany) and BAMS personnels Price in INRs. Standard pack :30 gmcarton bacteriostaticHemoclin –T tablet & Hemoclin syrup are the Internal use medications supportive to Harmony skin application for treatment of Acnes and Pimples: What is the oral use medicine for relief in skin disorders and Acnes & Pimples? Hemoclin-T tablet prepared by Yamuna Pharmacy is best remedy for skin disorders and Acnes & Pimples. What is Hemoclin-T tablet? Hemoclin-T tablet is a poly compound of herbs and minerals. How does Hemoclin-T tablet benefit? Hemoclin-T tablet constitutionally and functionally is a virusfuge and bacteriostatic hence builds up resistance against diseases caused by bacteria and viruses of various varieties . What other benefits one gets from Hemoclin-T tablet? Hemoclin-T tablet imparts curative and preventive relief in numerous dermatoses Hemoclin-T tablet helps get rid of chronic ulcers, furuncles, carbuncles, comedones and boils Hemoclin-T tablet mitigates acnes, papules/ pimples and unbroken skin blemishes or stains Hemoclin-T tablet controls and checks excessive count of white blood cells in the blood Hemoclin-T tablet combats proliferation and multiplication of viruses and bacteria in the blood Hemoclin-T tablet neutralizes pus and toxins present in the blood Hemoclin-T tablet allays irritation and itching in prurigo and intertrigo What is the composition of Hemoclin-T tablet? Hemoclin-T tablet comprises purified Sajjikhar and Shuddha Gandhak processed in Twaq,Haridra and Babool. What is dose of Hemoclin-T tablet? 1 to 2 tablets twice or thrice a day till a satisfactory feel good experience. Who is behind concept of formulation of Hemoclin-T tablet? Hemoclin-T tablet is conceived and formulated by expert team of GAMS,B.Pharm (Ay)and MSc (Med.Botany) and BAMS personnels What is the medicine for keeping the skin disease free and correction of blood chemistry? Hemoclin syrup prepared by Yamuna Pharmacy is best blood purifier that also keeps the skin in good health. What is Hemoclin syrup ? Hemoclin syrup is a sweet herbal liquid for oral ingestion. How does Hemoclin syrup benefit? Hemoclin syrup enhances immunomodulation and rejuvenation of blood and neutralize the toxicity due to viral and bacterial infections. Hemoclin syrup improves the quality of blood by correcting the blood constitution and deranged chemistry. What are other functions of Hemoclin syrup? Hemoclin syrup 1. clears the blood from impurities and toxins 2. eradicates acne and pimples. 3. removes skin disorders caused by and associated with liver and digestive troubles. 4. imparts anti oxidant effects and neutralizes free radicals. What is the composition of Hemoclin syrup? Hemoclin syrup comprises Nimbtwak, Unnab, Parpat, Sharpunkha, Mundi, Khair chhal, Harar, Rakta chandan, Mehendi, Idrayan, Daruharidra, Sanaya, Haridra, Brahmdandi,Chraita and Gulab etc. What is the dose of Hemoclin syrup? Hemoclin syrup is taken in the dose of 2 to 3 teaspoonful three times a day with potable water. What is the recommended dose of Hemoclin syrup for children? Dose of Hemoclin syrup for the children is 1 teaspoonful three times a day with potable water. Who is behind concept of formulation of Hemoclin syrup? Hemoclin syrup is conceived and formulated by expert team of GAMS,B.Pharm (Ay)and MSc (Med.Botany) and BAMS personnels Can Harmony skin application and both Hemoclin –T tablet & Hemoclin syrup be used together for treatment of Acnes & Pimples? Yes Hemoclin –T tablet & Hemoclin syrup may be used as per respective prescribed dosage regimen for treatment of Acnes & Pimples simultaneously with external treatment with Harmony skin application.